Saturday, May 2, 2015

Narasimha Jayanthi

Narasimha,  is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha on this day to destroy demon Hiranyakashipu.

Prahlada in the womb of his mother,Queen Kayaadu, had the fortune of listening to Devarishi Naradha regarding Lord Vishnu's compassion towards his devotees.Hence  from his birth Prahalada was dedicated to the name of Lord Vishnu.

Prahalada( son of   Hiranyakashyapu) replied Hiranyakashyapu that  Lord Vishnu is omnipresent.
Hiranyakashyapu(demon) pointed out at a pillar in his palace and asked Prahalada whether Vishnu was present in it.Prahalada replied yes ,
The Demon using his Gadha(Mace) broke open the pillar and there emerged Lord Narasimha who slain(killed) the demon using his sharp paws and blessed Prahalad as his topmost devotee on earth

śrīmat payonidhi niketana cakrapāṇe
bhogīndra bhogamaṇi ranjitapuṇyamūrte
yogīśa śāśvata śaraṇya bhavābdhipota
lakṣmīnṛsiḿha mama dehi karāvalambam

O Laksmi Nrsimha, whose abode is the ocean of milk,
who hold the (sudarsana) discus in Your hand, whose pleasing form
is adorned by the jewels that are the hoods of Adi Sesa,
who are the Lord of the Yogis, the Eternal One, who provide protection to those
who seek it, the boat by which one crosses the ocean of miseries, provide me the
support of Your hands.

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