Saturday, May 2, 2015

Narasimha Jayanthi

Narasimha,  is the fourth incarnation of Lord Vishnu
Lord Vishnu appeared in the form of Narasimha on this day to destroy demon Hiranyakashipu.

Prahlada in the womb of his mother,Queen Kayaadu, had the fortune of listening to Devarishi Naradha regarding Lord Vishnu's compassion towards his devotees.Hence  from his birth Prahalada was dedicated to the name of Lord Vishnu.

Prahalada( son of   Hiranyakashyapu) replied Hiranyakashyapu that  Lord Vishnu is omnipresent.
Hiranyakashyapu(demon) pointed out at a pillar in his palace and asked Prahalada whether Vishnu was present in it.Prahalada replied yes ,
The Demon using his Gadha(Mace) broke open the pillar and there emerged Lord Narasimha who slain(killed) the demon using his sharp paws and blessed Prahalad as his topmost devotee on earth

śrīmat payonidhi niketana cakrapāṇe
bhogīndra bhogamaṇi ranjitapuṇyamūrte
yogīśa śāśvata śaraṇya bhavābdhipota
lakṣmīnṛsiḿha mama dehi karāvalambam

O Laksmi Nrsimha, whose abode is the ocean of milk,
who hold the (sudarsana) discus in Your hand, whose pleasing form
is adorned by the jewels that are the hoods of Adi Sesa,
who are the Lord of the Yogis, the Eternal One, who provide protection to those
who seek it, the boat by which one crosses the ocean of miseries, provide me the
support of Your hands.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Facts about Ghee

Ghee is mostly considered unhealthy (and is unhealthy when consumed without the necessary portion control), but there are a few parameters that make 'pure ghee' healthy.

"Pure ghee contains only those fatty acids or saturated fats that are primarily (89%) short chain fatty acids, unlike some other animal fats," says nutritionist, Pallavi from Evolve Medspa. She lists out the health benefits of pure ghee. Let's take a look.

Before you indulge in pure ghee, here are the basic guidelines:

Consume pure ghee if you are free from cardiovascular diseases, are not overweight.

Completely avoid ghee if you are obese.

The recommended amount of fat consumed in the entire day is 10 to 15 grams per person.

So, is ghee healthy for you?

Regular consumption of pure ghee enhances physical and mental strength, and keeps the body healthy. It also helps in taking out the impurities from the body. It enhances eyesight, keeps muscles and tendons healthy.

For people with cholesterol problems, ghee is a better option as compared to butter as pure ghee is lower in fat than butter.

Because of lesser amount of fat in desi ghee, it is easier to digest.

Pure ghee can last for a longer duration of time. It can be stored without refrigeration.

Some people believe that ghee can restore balance to the mind and enhance brain function.

Ghee also helps in stimulating the digestive system and hence also aids in weight loss provided your diet is well balanced and you are exercising.

It is full of Vitamins A, D, E, and K. These vitamins are fat-soluble, meaning they have to be digested with other fat molecules in order for these vitamins to make it into our bloodstream. Ghee has lots of dietary fats (mostly saturated fats) that help our bodies absorb and make use of these vitamins.

Ghee is an excellent cooking medium because it does not break down in high heat like many cooking oils do, resulting in free radicals. Ghee has a high burning point, so it will neither smoke nor burn when cooked.

The body needs certain fats in its diet in order to perform vital functions, including protecting the stomach wall from digestive acids, building and strengthening cell membranes and supporting nerve, skin and brain health. The fats in ghee provide these benefits without any of the trans-fats, hydrogenated oils or oxidized cholesterol of butter and other oils.

Keep in mind, that we are only attaching these benefits to pure homemade ghee made with zero preservative or vegetable fats. Store-bought ghee or ghee prepared with any artificial methods will not fit in the same category as pure ghee.

Ghee is also lactose-free and contains no salt.

Happy eating, but keep a tab on the amount.


Friday, March 27, 2015

SriRama Navami

SriRama Navami , Lord Rama, the seventh avatar of Lord Vishnu, incarnated in human form in the land of Ayodhya.
Ram Navami falls on the ninth day of the bright fortnight in the month of Chaitra (April/May)  the festival is celebrated nine days.
This day, marking the birthday of Lord Rama,Kalyanotsavam of  Rama and Sita is done
Rama  is the ideal man and the perfect human.
Sita is considered by Hindus to be an avatar of Lakshmi and the embodiment of perfect womanhood
Rama showed us how to live the life
As a son
Respected and obeyed  father’s orders. Sacrificed own comfort for father’s dignity.
As a step-son
Even when your step mother  is not kind , even when she clearly dis- criminates against him in favor of her own birth child, did not fight against her. Respected her and her wishes.
As a brother
Remain loyal to his brother. Cared for him.
As a husband
Protected wife. Fought for her protection and her purity.
As a King
Sacrificed everything for the  people. Did not worry about comfort, convenience pleasure.

Famous Rama temples  Ayodhya, Ujjain, Rameshwaram ,Badrachalam

Rama Stotra

Sri Rama Rama Rameti Rame Raame Manorame
Sahasra Nama Tat Tulyam Rama Nama Varanane

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Aditya Hridayam

Aditya Hridayam,Aditya Hrdaya, is a hymn dedicated to Lord Surya (Sun God) Valmiki Ramayana. Aditya Hridaya consists of 31 verses and is found in the 107th chapter of Yuddha Kanda of Ramayan. It was narrated to Lord Rama by Sage Agastya to energize him in the battle against Ravana.
Aditya means ‘Sun’ and Hridayam means ‘heart or the essence’.
English Translation of Aditya Hridayam along with Sanskrit Text

tato yuddha parishrantam samare chintaya sthitam |
ravanam chagrato drishtva yuddhaya samupasthitam || 1

Sri Rama, who standing absorbed in deep thought on the battle-field, exhausted by the fight and facing Ravana who was duly prepared for the war

daiva taishcha samagamya drashtu mabhya gato ranam |
upagamya bravidramam agastyo bhagavan rishihi || 2

The glorious sage Agastya, who had come in the company of gods to witness the encounter (battle) now spoke to Rama as follows:

rama rama mahabaho shrinu guhyam sanatanam |
yena sarvanarin vatsa samare vijayishyasi || 3

'O Rama', 'O Mighty armed elegant Rama', listen carefully to the eternal secret by which, 'O my child', you shall conquer all your enemies on the battle field and win against your adversaries.

aditya-hridayam punyam sarva shatru-vinashanam |
jayavaham japen-nityam akshayyam paramam shivam || 4

By chanting the Aditya Hridayam which is very auspicious and highly beneficial, you will be victorious in battle. This holy hymn dedicated to the Sun God will result in destroying all enemies and bring you victory and permanent happiness.

sarvamangala-mangalyam sarva papa pranashanam |
chintashoka-prashamanam ayurvardhana-muttamam || 5

This supreme prayer is the best amongst auspicious verses, it will destroy all sins, dispel all doubts, alleviate worry and sorrow, anxiety and anguish, and increase the longevity of life. It is a guarantee of complete prosperity.

rashmi mantam samudyantam devasura-namaskritam |
pujayasva vivasvantam bhaskaram bhuvaneshvaram || 6

Worship the sun god, the ruler of the worlds and lord of the universe, who is crowned with effulgent rays, who appears at the horizon and brings light, who is revered by the denizens of heaven (devas) and asuras alike.

sarva devatmako hyesha tejasvi rashmi-bhavanah |
esha devasura gananlokan pati gabhastibhih || 7

Indeed, He is the very embodiment of all Gods. He is self-luminous and sustains all with his rays. He nourishes and energizes the inhabitants of all the worlds as well as the host of Gods and demons by his Rays.

esha brahma cha vishnush cha shivah skandah prajapatihi |
mahendro dhanadah kalo yamah somo hyapam patihi || 8

He is Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva, Skanda, Prajapati, the mighty Indra, Kubera, Kala (eternal time), Yama, Soma (the moon god that nourishes), and Varuna (the lord of sea and ocean).

pitaro vasavah sadhya hyashvinau maruto manuh |
vayurvahnih praja-prana ritukarta prabhakarah || 9

Indeed, he is Pitris (ancestors, manes), the eight Vasus, the Sadhyas, the twin Aswins (physicians of Gods), the Maruts, the Manu, Vayu (the wind God), Agni (the fire God), Prana (the Life breath of all beings), the maker of six seasons and the giver of light.

adityah savita suryah khagah pusha gabhastiman |
suvarnasadrisho bhanur-hiranyareta divakarah || 10

He is the Son of Aditi (the mother of creation), the Sun God who transverse the heavens, he is of brilliant golden color, the possessor of a myriad rays, by illuminating all directions he is the maker of daylight. He is the all pervading, shining principle, the dispeller of darkness, exhibiting beautiful sight with golden hue.

haridashvah sahasrarchih saptasapti-marichiman |
timironmathanah shambhu-stvashta martanda amshuman || 11

He has seven horses yoked to his chariot, shines with brilliant light having infinite rays, is the destroyer of darkness, the giver of happiness and prosperity, mitigator of the sufferings and is the infuser of life. He is the Omnipresent One who pervades all with immeasurable amount of rays.

hiranyagarbhah shishira stapano bhaskaro ravihi |
agni garbho'diteh putrah shankhah shishira nashanaha || 12

He is Hiranyagarbha born of Aditi of a golden womb, He is Sisirastapana the destroyer of the cold, snow and fog, illuminator, Ravi, bearer of the fire and conch, He is the remover of ignorance and giver of fame.

vyomanathastamobhedi rigyajussamaparagaha |
ghanavrishtirapam mitro vindhya-vithiplavangamaha || 13

He is the Lord of the firmament and ruler of the sky, remover of darkness. the master of the three vedas Rig, Yaju, Sama, he is a friend of the waters (Varuna) and causes abundant rain. He swiftly courses in the direction South of Vindhya-mountains and sports in the Brahma Nadi.

atapi mandali mrityuh pingalah sarvatapanaha |
kavirvishvo mahatejah raktah sarva bhavodbhavaha || 14

He, whose form is circular and is colored in yellow and red hues, is intensely brilliant and energetic. He is a giver of heat, the cause of all work, of life and death. He is the destroyer of all and is the Omniscient one sustaining the universe and all action.

nakshatra grahataranam-adhipo vishva-bhavanah |
tejasamapi tejasvi dvadashatman namo'stu te || 15

He is the lord of the constellations, stars and planets and the origin of every thing in the universe. Salutations to Aditya who appears in twelve forms (in the shape of twelve months of the year) and whose glory is described in his twelve names.

namah purvaya giraye pashchimayadraye namah|
jyotirgananam pataye dinaadhipataye namah || 16

Salutations to the Lord of sunrise and sunset, who rises at the eastern mountains and sets in the western mountains. Salutations to the Lord of the Stellar bodies and to the Lord of daylight.

Jayaya jaya bhadraya haryashvaya namo namah |
namo namah sahasramsho adityaya namo namah || 17

Oh! Lord of thousand rays, son of Aditi, Salutations to you, the bestower of victory, auspiciousness and prosperity, Salutations to the one who has colored horses to carry him.

nama ugraya viraya sarangaya namo namah |
namah padma prabodhaya martandaya namo namah || 18

Salutations to Martandaya the son of Mrukanda Maharisi, the terrible and fierce one, the mighty hero, the one that travels fast. Salutations to the one whose appearance makes the lotus blossom (also the awakener of the lotus in the heart).

brahmeshanachyuteshaya suryayadityavarchase |
bhasvate sarva bhakshaya raudraya vapushe namaha || 19

Salutations to the Lord of Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu, salutations to Surya the sun god, who (by his power and effulgence) is both the illuminator and devourer of all and is of a form that is fierce like Rudra.

tamoghnaya himaghnaya shatrughnayamitatmane |
kritaghnaghnaya devaya jyotisham pataye namaha || 20

Salutations to the dispeller of darkness, the destroyer of cold, fog and snow, the exterminator of foes; the one whose extent is immeasurable. Salutations also to the annihilator of the ungrateful and to the Lord of all the stellar bodies, who is the first amongst all the lights of the Universe.

taptacami karabhaya vahnaye vishvakarmane |
namastamo'bhinighnaya ravaye (rucaye) lokasakshine || 21

Salutations to the Lord shining like molten gold, destroying darkness, who is the transcendental fire of supreme knowledge, who destroys the darkness of ignorance, and who is the cosmic witness of all merits and demerits of the denizens who inhabit the universe. Salutations to Vishvakarma the architect of the universe, the cause of all activity and creation in the world.

nashayat yesha vai bhutam tadeva srijati prabhuh|
payatyesha tapatyesha varshatyesha gabhastibhih || 22

Salutations to the Lord who creates heat by his brilliant rays. He alone creates, sustains and destroys all that has come into being. Salutations to Him who by His rays consumes the waters, heats them up and sends them down as rain again.

esha supteshu jagarti bhuteshu parinishthitaha |
esha evagnihotram cha phalam chaivagnihotrinam || 23

Salutations to the Lord who abides in the heart of all beings keeping awake when they are asleep. Verily he is the Agnihotra, the sacrificial fire and the fruit gained by the worshipper of the Agnihotra.

vedashcha kratavashcaiva kratunam phalam eva cha |
yani krityani lokeshu sarva esha ravih prabhuh || 24

The Sun God (Ravi) is the origin and protector of the four Vedas (Rig, Yajur, Sama, and Atharva), the sacrifices mentioned in them and the fruits obtained by performing the sacrifices. He is the Lord of all action in this universe and decides the Universal path.

ena-mapatsu krichchreshu kantareshu bhayeshu cha |
kirtayan purushah kashchinnavasidati raghava || 25

Listen Oh Rama! Oh Raghava, scion of the Raghu dynasty, any person, singing the glories of Surya in great difficulties, during affliction, while lost in the wilderness, and when beset with fear, will not come to grief (or loose heart).

pujayasvaina-mekagro devadevam jagatpatim |
etat trigunitam japtva yuddheshu vijayishyasi || 26

If you worship this lord of the universe, the God of all Gods, with concentrated mind and devotion by reciting this hymn (Aditya-Hridayam) thrice, you will emerge victorious in the battle.

asmin kshane mahabaho ravanam tvam vadhishyasi |
evamuktva tada'gastyo jagama cha yathagatam || 27

O mighty armed one, you shall triumph over Ravana this very moment. After blessing Lord Rama thus, and predicting that He would slay (the demon) Ravana, sage Agastya took leave and returned to his original place.

etachchrutva mahateja nashtashoko'bhavattada |
dharayamasa suprito raghavah prayatatmavan || 28

Having heard this, that great warrior Raghava, feeling greatly delighted, became free from grief. His clouds of worry thus dispelled, the lustrous Lord Rama obeyed the sayings of sage Agastya with great happiness. With composed mind he retained this hymn in his memory, ready to chant the Aditya Hridayam.

adityam prekshya japtva tu param harshamavaptavan |
trirachamya shuchirbhutva dhanuradaya viryavan || 29

Having performed Achamanam (sipping water thrice) and being purified, Rama gazing at the sun with devotion, recited the hymn Aditya Hridayam thrice, then that great hero Raghava was thrilled and lifted his bow.

ravanam prekshya hrishtatma yuddhaya samupagamat |
sarvayatnena mahata vadhe tasya dhrito'bhavat || 30

Lord Rama thus cheered, seeing Ravana coming to fight, put forth all his effort with a determination to kill him. (Ravana)

atha ravi-ravadan-nirikshya ramam
mudita manah paramam prahrishyamanaha |
nishicharapati-sankshayam viditva
suragana-madhyagato vachastvareti || 31
Then knowing that the destruction of Ravana was near, the Sun-God Aditya, surrounded by all the Gods in heaven, looked at Rama with delighted mind and exclaimed 'Hurry up' - 'Be quick'.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Beetroot contains sodium, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iodine, iron, copper, Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and C.

Beetroot is very low in calories (contain only 45 kcal/100 g), and contain only small amount of fat. Its nutrition benefits come particularly from fiber, vitamins, minerals, and unique plant derived anti-oxidants.

The root is rich source of phytochemical compound Glycine betaine.Betaine has the property of loweringhomocysteine levels in the blood. Homocysteine, one of highly toxic metabolite, promotes platelet clot as well as atherosclerotic-plaque formation, which is otherwise can be harmful to blood vessels. High levels of homocystiene in the blood results in the development of coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke and peripheral vascular diseases.

Raw beets are an excellent source of folates; contains about 109 mcg/100 g (Provides 27% of RDA). However, extensive cooking may significantly depletes its level in food. Folates are necessary for DNA synthesis in the cells. When given during peri-conception period folates can prevent neural tube defects in the baby.
It contains significant amounts of vitamin-C, one of the powerful natural antioxidant, which helps body scavenge deleterious free radicals one of the reasons for cancers development.

BeetRoot Leaves are an excellent source of carotenoids, flavonoid anti-oxidants, and vitamin A; contain these compounds several times more than that of in the roots.Vitamin A is required maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin and is essential for vision. Consumption of natural vegetables rich in flavonoids helps to protect from lung and oral cavity cancers.

leaves of the beetroot contain a higher iron content than spinach.

The root is also rich source of niacin (vit.B-3), pantothenic acid (vit.B-5), pyridoxine (vit.B-6) and carotenoids, and minerals such as iron, manganese, and magnesium.

Vishnu Sahasranamam

Om Shuklãm Bharatharam Vishnum Sashivarnam Chathurbhujam
Prasanna Vadanam Dhyayeth Sarva Vignopa Shanthayé

Vyasam Vashita Naptharam Shakte Poutramakalmasham
Parasharathmajam Vandé Shukathãthum Thaponidhim

Vyasaya Vishnu Roopaya Vyasroopaya Vishanavé
Namovai Brahmanidhayé Vãsishtaya Namonamaha

Avikãraya Shuddhãya Nithyãya Paramathmané
Sadhaika Roopa Roopaya Vishnavé Sarvajishnavé

Yasya Smarana Mathréna Janma Samsara Bandhanãth
Vimuchyathé Namas Thasmai Vishnavé Prabha Vishanvé
Om Namo Vishnavé Praba Vishnavé. 5

Shree Vaisham Pãyana Uvacha
Shruthvã Dharmãna Séshéna Pãvananicha Sarvashaha
Yudhishtara Shanthanavam Punarévãbya Bashatha

Yudhishtira Uvacha
Kimékam Daivatham Loke Kim Vápyekam Parãyanam
Sthuvantha Kam Kamarchanda Prapnuyur Mãnavã Shubam

Go Dharma Sarva Dharmãnam Bhavatha Paramo Mathaha
Kim Japan Muchyathé Janthur Janma Samsãra Bandhanãth

Shree Bheeshmã Uvacha
Jagath Prabhum Deva Devam Antham Purushothamam
Sthuvan Nãma Sahasréna Purusha Saththo Thithaha

Thameva Chãr Chayanth Nithyam Bhakthya Purusha Mavyayam
Dhayãyan Sthuvan Namasyamsha Yajamãnas Thamevacha 10

Anãdhinidhanam Vishnum Sarva Lokamahesvaram
Lokãdhyaksham Sthuvan Nithyam Sarva Dhukkã Thigo Bhavéth

Brahmanyam Sarva Dharmangyam Lokãnãm Keerthivardhanam
Lokanãtham Mahath Bhootham Sarva Bhootha Bhavothbhavam

Esha Mé Sarvadharmãnãm Dharmodhi Kathamo Mathaha
Yath Bhakthyã Pundari Kãksham Sthavai Rar-Chén Nara Ssatha

Paramam Yo Mahath Teja Paramam Yo Mahath Thapaha
Paramam Yo Mahath Brahma Paramam Ya Parãyanam

Pavithrãm Pavithram Yo Mangalãnãncha Mangalam
Daivatham Dévathãnãncha Bhoothãnãm Yovyaya Pithã 15

Yatha Sarvãni Bhoothãni Bhavanthyãdhi Yugãgamé
Yasmimscha Pralayam Yãnthi Punaréva Yugakshayé

Thasya Loka Pradhãnasya Jagan-Nãdhasya Bhoopathé
Vishnor Nama Sahasrm Mé Srunu Pãpa Bhayãpaham

Yãni Nãmãni Gounãni Vikyãthãni Mahãthmanaha
Rushibhi Parigeerthãni Thãni Vakshãyãmi Bhoothayé

Rushirnãmnãm Sahasrasya Védhavyãso Mahãmunihi
Chchando-Nushtup Thadha Dhévo Bhaghavãn Dhévagee-Suthaha

Amruthãm Soothbhavo Bheejam Shakthir Dhévaki Nandhanaha
Thrisãmã Hrudhayam Thasya Shãnthyarthé Viniyujyathe 20

Vishnum Jishnum Mahãvishnum Prabhavishum Mahéswaram
Anaika Roopa Dhaithyãntham Namãmi Purushoth-Thamam

Asya Sree Vishnor Dhivya Sahasranãma Sthothra Mahãmanthrasya
Sri Vedhavyaso Bhagavan Rishihi
Anushtup Ch-Chandaha
Sri Mahavishnu Paramãthmã Sirmãn Narãyano Dévathã
Amruthãm Shoothbavo Bãnurithi Beejam
Dévakee Nandhan Srashtéthi Sakthihi
Uthbava Kshobhano Déva Ithi Paramo Manthraha
Shankbhruth Nandhkee Chakreethi Keelakam
Shãrngadhanva Gadhãdhara Ithyasthram
Radhãngapãni Rakshobhya Ithi Néthram
Thrisãma Sãmaka Sãméthi Kavacham
Aanandam Parbrahméthi Yonihi
Rudhu Sudharsank Kaala Ithi Dhigbandhaha
Sri Viswaroopa Ithi Dhyãnam

Sri Mahavishnup Preethyarthe Sahasra Nama Japé Viniyogaha


Ksheerodhanvath Pradhésé Susi Mani Vilasath Saikathe Mouthikãnãm
Malãk Lupthãsanastha Spatikamani-Nibair Moukthikair Mandithaangaha

Suprai Rbhrai Radhaprai Ruprivirasithair Muktha Bheeyuusha Varshaihi
Anandheenap Puneeyaa Dhari Nalina Gadha Shankapaanir Mukundhaha

Bhoop-Paathau Yasya Nabhir Viyadhasoora-Nilach-Chandra Sauryau Cha Néthré
Karnãvasã Siro Dhyaur-Mukamapi Dhahano Yasya Vaastheyamapdhihi

Andhastham Yasya Vishvam Soor-Nara-Khaga-Gho-Bhogi-Gandharva-Dhaithyaihi
Chitram Ramramyathe Tham Thribhuvan-Vapusham Vishnu Meesham Namaami

Shaanthãkãram Bhujagasayanam Padhmanabham Surésam
Vishwãdhãram Gaganasadhrusham Mégavarnam Subhangam

Lakshmi Kãntham Kamalanayanam Yogihrudhyãna Gamyam
Vandhé Vishnum Bavabayaharm Sarvalokaikanadham

Megha Shyamam Peetha Kausheya Vcham
Shree Vatsangam Kausthubho Bhasithangam
Punyopetham Pundari Kayadaksham Vishnum Vande Sarva Lokaika Natham

Namas Samastha Bhothanam Adi Bhoothaya Bhoo Bruthe
Aneka Roopa Roopaya Vishanve Prabha Vishnave

Shashanka Chakram Saka Reeta Kundalam Sappetha Vasthram Sarasi Ruheshanam
Shara Vaksha Sthala Shobhi Kausthubam Namami Vishnum Shirasã Chathurbhujam 5

Chayayam Parijathasya Héma Simhasano Parihi
Aasina Mam-Bhutha-Shyãma-Mãyadaksha Malankrutham

Chandrananam Chathur Bhahum Shree Vatsanghitha Vakshasam
Rukmini Sathyabhamabhyam Sahitham Kirshnamasraye


Vishvam Vishnur Vashatkaro Bhootha Bhavya Bhavath Prabhuhu
Bhoothakruth Bhoothabruth Bhavo Bhoothatma Bhootha Bhavanaha

Bhoothatma Paramathma Cha Mukthanam Parama Gathihi
Avya Yapurusha Sakshi Kshetrgno Ksharo Évacha

Yogo Yoga Vitham Nétha Prdhãna Purusheshwaraha
Narasimha Vabhu Shreeman Keshava Purushothamaha

Sarva Sharvash Shivas Sthanur Bhoothathir Nidhira Vyahayaha
Sambhavo Bhavono Bartha Prabava Prabhureeshwaraha

Swambu Shambur Adithya Pushkaraksho Mahasvanaha
Anadhi Nidhano Dhath Vidhath Dhathu Ruthmaha 5

Appréyo Rishi Keshah Padmnabho Mara Prabhuhu
Visha Karma Manusthvastha Sthavishta Shtaviro-Dhruvaha

Agrahya Sashvatha Krishno Lokidaksh Pradhr Dhanaha
Prabhuth Shrikuthãma Pavithrm Manglam Param

Eashana Prãnadha Prano Jyeshta Shreshta Praja Pathihi
Hiran Ya Garbho Bhoo Gahrbho Madhavo Madhu Sudhanaha

Ishvaro Vikrami Thanvi Medavi Vikrma Kramaha
Anuththamo Durãdarsha Kruthangya Kruthi-Raathmavan

Suresha Sharnam Sharma Vishva Retha Prajabhvaha
Ahath Samvathsaro Wyallaha Prathyas Sarvadharshanaha 10

Ajas Sarvesh Varas Sidhas Sidhi Sarva Dhiru Chithaha
Vrusha Gabhir Meyathma Sarva Yoga Vinisruthaha

Vasur Vasumanas Sathya Samãthmã Sammitha-Samaha
Amoga Pundarikaksho Vrushkarma Vrushakruthihi

Rudro Bahushira Babrur Viswayoni Suchichrvaha
Amrudha Sachvadha Sthanur Vraroha Mahathapaha

Sarvakaha Sarvavidhbaanur Vishwakseno Janardhanaha
Vedo Veda Vidhav Yango Vedãngo Vedvith Kavihi

Lokã Dhyakshas Surdhyaksho Dharma Dhyaksho Krutha Kruthaha
Chathurathma Chathur Vyuhachathur Thamshta Chathur Bhujaha 15

Prajishur Bhojanam Bhoktha Sahishnur Jagatha Thijaha
Anako Vijayo Jetha Vishva Yoni Punarvasuhu

Upendro Vamaha Pramshur Amogash Shsirurjithaha
Atheendras Sangrahas Sargo Dhruthatma Niyamo Yamaha

Védyo Vaidyas-Sadã-Yogi Veeraha Madhavo Madhuhu
Atheendriyo Mahãmãyo Mahothsaho Mahabalaha

Mahabuthir Mahaveeryo Mahashakthir Mahathyuthihi
Anir Deshya Vabhu Shreema-Naméyathmã Mahã-Thri-Dhruk

Maheshvaso Maheebartha Shreenivasa Satham Gathihi
Aniruddas Surananndo Govindo Gvindãm Pathihi 20

Marichir Thamano Hamsas Superno Pujagothamaha
Hiranya Nabhas Suthapã Padmanabha Prajapthihi

Amruthyus Sarva-Dhruk Simha-Sandhãtha Sandhimãm-Stiraha
Ajo Durmarshanas-Shãsthã Vishruthãtmã Surarihã

Gurur Gurthamo Thama Sathyas Sathya Parakramaha
Nimisho Nimishas Sragvi Vãchaspathi Rutharathee

Agraneer Gramanee Shreeman Nyãyo Néthã Sameeranaha
Sahasra Murthã Vishvãtmã Sahas-Rãkshas-Sahasrapath

Aavarthano Nivruthathma Samvradhas Sampra Mardhanaha
Ahas Samvarthako Vahni-Ranilo Dharani Dharaha 25

Suprasada Prasanãthma Vishwasruk Vishvabhuk Vibhuhu
Sathkartha Sathkrudhas Sadhur Janhoor Naryano Naraha

Asangeyo Prameyathma Vishista Shista Kruch-Chuchihi
Siddhartha Siddha Sankalpa Siddhida-Siddhi Sadhanaha

Vrushahee Vrushabho Vishnur Vrushaparva Vrusho Dharaha
Varthano Varthamãnaksha Vivikta Shruth Sagaraha

Subhujo Dhurtharo Vakmi Mahendhro Vasudo Vasuhu
Naikarupo Bruhathroopas Sibhivishta Praksanaha

Ojas-Théjo Dhyuuthidhara Prakãshatmã Pratãpanaha
Ruddhas Spashtã-Ksharo Manthra-Chandrãmshur Bhaskarathdhyuthihi 30

Amruthãm Shudh Bhavo Bhanu Shashabindu Sureshwaraha
Aushadham Jagadha Sethu Sathya Dharma Parãkramaha

Bhoothabhavya Bhavannatha Pavana Pãvano Nalaha
Kamahã Kamakruth Kantha Kama Kamapratha Prabhuhu

Yugadikruth Yugavartho Naika Mayo Mahasanaha
Athrushyo Vyaktha Roopashcha Sahasrajita Nandajith

Ishto Vishishta Thistéshta Shikandi Nahursho Vrushaha
Krodhaha Krodhakruth Kartha Vishva Bahoor Mahitharaha

Achyutha Prathitha Pranaha Prãnatho Vasuvanujaha
Apãm-Nidi Rathishtana Mapramatha Prathishtithaha 35

Skandaha Skandadaro Duryo Varado Vau Vãhanaha
Vaasudevo Bruhath Banur Adi Deva Purandaraha

Ashokas Stharanas Thara Shura Shurir Janéswaraha
Anukoola Shathãvartha Padmi Padma Nibhekshanaha

Padmanabho Ravindaksha Padmagarba Sharirabruth
Maharthrir Ruthro Vruthathma Mahãksho Garudadvajaha

Atula Sharabo Bheema Samayagno Havir Harhi
Sarva Lakshana Lakshañyo Lakshmivãn Samithanjayaha

Viksharo Rohitho Margo Héthur Damodara Sahaha
Maheetharo Mahãbhogo Vegavãnami Thashanaha 40

Uthbhava Shobhano Déva Shreegarba Parmeshvaraha
Karanam Kãranam Kartha Vikartha Gahnoguhaha

Vyavasayovyvasthanas Samasthana Sthando Druvaha
Pararthi Parama Spastha Dushta Pushta Subhekshanaha

Ramo Virãmo Viratho Margo Neyo Nayo Nayaha
Veera Shakthimathãm Sreshto Dharmo Dharma Vithuthamaha

Vaikunta Purusha Prãna Prãnadha Pranava Prathuhu
Hiranyagharbha Shtrugno Vyapto Vayu Rthokshajaha

Ruthu Sudarshana Kala Parameshti Parikrahaha
Ugra Smavatsaro Daksho Vishramo Vishva Dakshinaha 45

Vishthãra Sthãvaras-Sthãnu Pramãnam Beejama Vyayam
Artho Nartho Mahakosho Mahãbhogo Mahadhanaha

Anirvinna Sthãvishtobua Dharmayubo Mahãmakaha
Nakshathra Némir Nakshthri Kshamaha Kshaamaha Smihanaha

Yagña Ejyo Mahéjyascha Krathu Sathram Sathãngkadhihi
Sarva-Darshee Vimukthathma Sarvagno Gnana-Muth-Thamam

Suvratha Sumuga Sookshma Sukosha Sukada Suhruth
Manoharo Jithakrodho Virabãhur Vithãranaha

Swãpna Swavasho Vyãpi Naikathma Naik Karmakruth
Vatsaro Vathsalo Vatsee Rathnagarbo Dhaneswaraha 50

Dharmakrup Dharmakruth Dharmi Sathakshara Maksharam
Avignatha Sahasramshur Vidhãta Krutha Lakshanaha

Gapasthinémi Sathvastha Simho Bhootha Maheswaraha
Aadi Dévo Mahãdévo Dévésho Devabruthguruhu

Uththaro Gopathir Gopthã Gnãnkamya Purãthanaha
Sharira Bhoothabruth Bhokthã Kapindro Purdakshinaha

Somabo Mrudhapa Soma Purjith Purshothama
Vinayo Jaya Sathyando Dãrshaha Sathvatham Pathihi

Jeevo Vinayithã-Sakshi Mukundo Mita Vikramaha
Ambonidhi-Ranandhathmaa Maho-Dhadishayo-Ndhakaha 55

Ajo Mahaarha Swabhaavyo Jidaa Mitrah Pramodhanaha
Anando Nandano Nanda Satya Dharma Trivikramaha

Maharshi Kapila Acharya Kritagño Metini Pathihi
Tripada Tripaddhyaksho Maha Shrung Krutaantha Kruthu

Mãha Varãho Govinda Sushenah Kanakã-Ngadhi
Ghuyo Gabeero Gahano Gupthash-Chakra Gadhãdhãraha

Vedha Swaango Jith Krishno Druda-Sankrshano-Chuthaha
Varuno Vaaruno Vruksha Pushkaraaksho Mahamanãha

Bhagavan Bhagaha-Nandhi Vana Malee Halaayudhaha
Aadhithyo Jyothir Adhitya Sahishnur Gadhisattamaha 60

Sudhanwa Kanda Parashur Dhaarundo Dhravinapradhaha
Divas-Sprug Sarva-Drug-Vyãso Vachaspathi-Rayonijaha

Trisaama Saamagah Saamah Nirvaanam Beshajam Bhishaku
Sanya-Sakruchama Shantho Nishta Shanthi Parayanam

Shubaangah Shaantidha Srashtã Kumudhah Kuvaleshayaha
Gohito Gopathir Goptha Vrushabaaksho Vrusha Priyaha

Anivathee Nivruthaatma Samkshepta Kshema-Krucchivaha
Sreevatsa-Vakshã Sreevasha Sreepati Sreemataam Varaha

Sridha Srishah Srinivasah Srinidhi Srivibha-Vanaha
Sridharah Srikarah Shreyah Shriman Loka-Trayashrayaha 65

Swaksha Swanga Shadanando Nandir Jyothir Ganeshwaraha
Vichitaatma Vidhéyaatma Satkeertis Chinna Shamshayaha

Udeerna Sarvata-Chakshu-Raneesha Shaswata-Sthiraha
Bhooshayo Bhushano Bhoothir Vishoka Shoka Naashanaha

Archishmã-Narchita Kumbho Vishudhaatma Vishodhanaha
Aniruddho Pratirata Pradhyumno Mitavikramaha

Kalaneminiha Vira Shaurir Shoora Janeshwaraha
Trilokatma Trilokesha Keshava Keshiha Harihi

Kama Deva Kamapala Kamee Kantha Krutaagamha
Anirdheshyavapur-Vishur-Viro Anando Dhanan Jayaha 70

Bhramanyo Brahmankrud Brahma Brahma Brahma Vivardhanaha
Brahmavith Braahmano Brahmi Brahmagnyo Braamana Priyaha

Mahakramo Mahakarmã Mahãtejã Mahoragaha
Maha-Krathur Mahãyajva Mahayagno Maha Havihi

Stavya Stavapriya Sthothram Shthuthi Sthothaarana-Priyaha
Purna Purayithã Punya Punya Keerti Ranamayaha

Manojavas Theerthagaro Vasurédhã Vasupradhaha
Vasupradho Vãsudevo Vasur Vasumanã-Havihi

Satgati Sathkriti Satta Satbooti Satparayanaha
Shoora Seno Yajushresta Sannivasa Suyamuhaha 75

Bhootãvaso Vãsudevo Sarvãsu Nilayo Nalaha
Darphaha Darpadho Dhrupto Durdharo-Dhãparãjitaha

Vishwa Murtir Mahamurthir Deeptamurtir-Amoortiman
Aneka Moorti-Ravyakta Shatamoorti Shataananaha

Eko Naika Sava Ka Kim Yatat Pada Manutta-Mam
Lokabhandhur Lokanatho Madhavo Bhaktha Vatsalaha

Suvarnavarno Hemaango Varãngash Santha Nangathi
Veeraha Visham Shoonyo Drutãshee Rachalas Chalaha

Amãni Mãndho Manyo Lokswami Trilokdhruk
Sumedha Medhajo Dhanya Satya Medha Dharã-Dharaha 80

Tejovrusho Dhyudhidhara Sarva-Shastra-Brudãm Varaha
Pragraho Nigraho Vyagro Naika Shrungo Gadhã-Grajaha

Chaturmurti Chaturbahu Chaturvyuha Chatur Gathihi
Chatur Aatma Chturbhava Chturveda Videkapãt

Samãvarto Nivruttãtma Durjayo Duradikramaha
Dhurilabo Durgamo Durgo Durãvãso Durãrihã

Shubaango Lokasãranga Sthuthantus Tantu Vardhanaha
Indra Karma Mahãkarmã Krutakarmã Krutãgamaha

Uthbhava Sundara Sundho Ratna Nabha Sulochanaha
Arko Vajasana Shrungi Jayantu Sarva Vijjayee 85

Suvarna Bindhurakshobya Sarva Vageshwara Shwaraha
Mahãhrudho Mahãkartho Mahãbhootho Mahãnidhihi

Kumudha Kundhara Kundha Parjanya Pãvano Nilaha
Amrutãsho Mrutavapu Sarvagnya Sarvato Mukhaha

Sulabha Suvrata Siddha Shatrujit Shatrutãpanaha
Nyakrodho Dumbaro Chwaththas Chãnuraan-Dhranishoo Dhanaha

Shasrarchi Saptjihva Saptaida Sapta Vahanaha
Amoorti-Ranakho Chindyo Bhaya-Krut Bhayanãshanaha
Anur Bruhat Krusha Sthoolo Guna Brun Nir-Guno-Mahãn
Adhruta Svadruta Svãsya Prãgvamso Vamsa-Vardhanaha 90

Bhãrabrut Kathitho Yogi Yogeesha Sarva-Kãmadhaha
Ashrama Shramana Kshãma Suparno Vãyu Vãhanaha

Dhanurdharo Dhanurvedho Dando Damayitã Damaha
Aparãjita Sarvashaho Niyanthã Niyamo Yamaha

Satvavaãn Sãtvika Satyã Satyã Dharma Pãrayanaha
Abhipr Ãya Priyãr Horha Priyakrit Preetivardhanaha

Vihayã Sagatir Jyoti Suruchir Huta Bug Vibhuhu
Ravir Virochana Surya Savithã Ravi-Lochanaha

Ananta Hutabuk Bhoktha Sugadho Naikajhograjaha
Anirvirna Sadhãmasrshi Lokhadhistana-Madhbutaha 95

Sanãt Sanãt-Anamah Kapila Kapiravyaha
Svastidah Svatikrut Svasti Svastibuk Svasti Dakshinaha

Aroudhra Kundali Chakri Vikram Yurjitha Shasanaha
Shabdhãtika Shabtasaha Shishira Sarva-Reekaraha

Akroora Peshalo Daksho Dakshinaha Kshminãm Varaha
Vidhvatthamo Veedhabhaya Punya-Shravana Keertanaha

Uttãrano Dushkruthihã Punyo Dur-Swapna Nashanaha
Veeraha Rakshna Sandho Jivana Paryasthithaha

Anantharoopo-Nanthasreer Jithamanyur Bayãpahaha
Chathurasro Gabheerãthma Ivdhisho Vyãdhsho Dhisaha 100

Anãthir Bhoorbhavo Lakshmi Suviro Ruchirãngadhaha
Janano Jana-Janmadir Bhimo Bhima Parãkramaha

Adãra Nilayo Dhãthã Pushpa Hãsa Prajã-Garaha
Urdhvaga Satpatã Chãra Prãnadha Pranava Pranaha

Pramãnam Prãna Nilaya Prãnabrut Prãna Jivanaha
Tatvam Tatva Videkãtma Janma Mrutyu Jarãthigaha

Bhoorbhuva Svastha-Srusthãra Savita Prapitãmahaha
Yogño Yagñapatir Yajva Yagnãngo Yagna Vãhanaha

Yagñabrudth Yagñakruth Yagñee Yagñabhug Yagña Sãdhanaha
Yagnãndha-Krudh Yagna-Guhya Manna-Mannãdha Evacha

Atmayoni Svayam Jãto Vaikhãna Sãmagãyanaha
Devaki Nandhana Shruastã Kshideesha Pãpa Nãshanaha

Sanghabrun Nandagi Chakri Shãrnga Dhanva Gadhã Dharaha
Rathanga Pani Rakshobhya Sarva Prharanãyudhaha

Sarva Prharanãyudha Om Nama Ithi

Vana Mali Gadhi Shãrngi Shangi Chakri Chanandhagi
Shreeman Narayano Vishnur Vãsudeva Abhirakshathu 108
(Repeat Three Times)

Itheetham Kirtaniyasya Keshavasya Mahãtmanaha
Nãmnãm Sahasram Divyãnãm Asheshena Prakeertitham

Ya Idham Shrunuyã Nityam Yaschabhi Parikeertayéth
Nãshubam Prapnuyath Kimchit Somutréha-Cha-Manavaha

Vedhaantago Bhrãmana-Syãt Kshatriyo Vijayee Bhavet
Vaishyo Dhana Samruta-Syãt Shoodhra Sukha-Mãvãpnuyat

Dharmarthi Prapnuath Dharma Marthaarthi Charthmãpnuyath
Kãmã-Navapnuyat Kami Prajãrti Chãpnuyãt Prajãm

Bhaktimãn Ya Sathodhdãya Shuchi-Sthagahamãnasaha
Sahasram Vãsudevasya Nãmnã-Metath Prakeertayedh 5

Yasha Prapnoti Vipulam Yãdhi Prãdhãnya-Mevacha
Achalãm Shriya Mãpnoti Shreya Praphnothya-Nuththamam

Nabhayam Kvachitãpnoti Veeryam Tejascha Vindhati
Bhavat-Yarogo Dyutimãn Bala Roopa Gunãnvitaha

Rogãrto Muchyate Rogãth Baddho Muchyetha Bhandhãnaãth
Bhayãn Muchyeta Bheethasthu Muchyetãpana Ãpataha

Durgãn-Yadhitharat-Yãshu Purusha Purushotamam
Stuvan Nãma Sahasrena Nityam Bhakti Samanvitaha

Vãsudevãshrayo Martyo Vãsudeva Parayanaha
Sarva Pãpa Vishuddhãtma Yãdhi Brahma Sanãthanam 10

Na Vãsudeva Bhaktãnã-Mashubham Vidhyate Kvachith
Janma Mrutyu Jarã Vyãdhi Bhayam Naivo Pajãyathe

Imam Sthava-Madheeyana Shraddha Bhakti Samanvitaha
Yujyetãtma Sukha Kshanti Shree-Dhriti Smruti Keertibhihi

Nakrodho Na Cha Mãtsaryam Na Lobho Nãshubhã Pathihi
Bhavanthi Kruta Punyãnãm Bhaktãnam Purushottame

Dhyausa Chandhrãrka Nakshtrã Kamdhisho Bhoor Mahodatihi
Vãsudevasya Veeryena Vidrutãni Mahãtmanaha

Sa-Sooraasoora Gandharvam Sa-Yakshorka Raakshasam
Jagathvasé Varthathétham Krushnasya Sasarãsaram 15

Indhriyãni Mano Buddhi Satyam Tejo Balam Dhrithihi
Vãsudevãtmakãn Yãhoohu Kshetram Kshetrangya Evacha

Sarvãkamãna Mãchãra Prathamam Parikalphithaha
Achara Prabhavo Dharmo Dharmasya Prabhurachyuthaha

Rushay Pitharo Devo Mahabhootani Dhatavaha
Jangamã Jangamam Chedham Jagan Naryanodh Bhavam

Yogo Gyãnam Tadã Saankhyam Vidhya Shilpãdhi Karmacha
Vedha Shaastrãni Vigyãna Metat Sarvam Janãrdhanath

Eko Vishnur Mahat Bhootam Pruthak Bhootani Yenekashaha
Treen Lokan Vyãpata Bhootãtma Bungthe Vishva Bhugavyaha 20

Imam Shavam Bhaghavatho Vishnor Vyãsena Keertidam
Padéthya Ichchét Purusha Shréeya Prãpthum Sukhani Cha

Vishveshra Majam Devam Jagadha Prabhu Vãpuyayam
Bhajanthiye Pushkarãksham Nadheyãnti Parãbhavam

Nadheyanti Parãbhava Om Nam Iti

Arjuna Uvacha
Padma Patra Vishãlãksha Padmanãbha Surottama
Bhaktãnãm Anuraktãnãm Trãtã Bhava Janãrdhana

Shree Bhagavan Uvacha
Yo Maam Nãma Shahasrena Shtotu Michathi Pãndava
Sohamékena Slokena Stuta Evana Sumshayaha
Sthuta Evana Samshaya Om Nama Ithi

Vyãsa Uvãcha
Vãsanaadh Vãsudevasya Vasitam Bhuvanatrayam
Sarva Bhoota Nivasosi Vasudeva Namosthuthe
Sri Vãsudeva Namosthutha Om Nama Ithi 25

Parvat Uvacha
Kenopayena Lakhuna Visnor Nãma Sahasrakam
Patyathe Pandithair Nityam Srothu Micchamyaham Prabho

Ishwara Uvacha
Shreerãma Rãma Rãméthi Ramé Rãme Manoramé
Sahasra Nãma Thattulyam Rãma Nãma Varanané (Repeat This Verse Three Times)
Shree Rãma Nama Varãnana Om Nama Ithi

Brahmo Uvacha
Namo Swananthãya Sahasra Murthayé Shasra Padakshi Siroru Bãhave
Sahasra Nãmne Purushãya Sãswate Sahasr Kodi Yugadãrine Namaha
Sahasra Kodi Yuga Dãrine Nam Om Nama Ithi

Sanjaya Uvacha
Etra Yogeshwara Krishno Yatra Pãrtho Dhanur Dharaha
Tatra Shri Vijayo Bhutir Dhruva Neetir Mathir Mama

Shree Bhagavan Uvacha
Ananya Shinttha Yantomã Yejanã Paryu Pãsathe
Tesham Nityabhiyuktãnãm Yogakshemam Vahãmyaham 30

Paritranaya Sadhunam Vinãshãya Cha Dhushkrutãm
Dharma Samsathãpanãrthãya Sambhavãmi Yuge Yuge

Artã Vishannã Shithilãscha Bheethã Koreshu Cha Vyathishu Vartamãnãhã
Samkeertya Narãyana Shabta Mãtram Vimukta Dhukka Sukhino Bhavanthu

Kãyena Vãchã Manasendriyerva Budhyãtma Nãva Prakruté Swabhãvath
Karomi Yadyat Sakalam Parasmai Narãyanãyetu Samarpayãmi.

Hanuman Chalisa

Shri Guru Charan Sarooja-raj Nija manu Mukura Sudhaari
Baranau Rahubhara Bimala Yasha Jo Dayaka Phala Chari
Budhee-Heen Thanu Jannikay Sumirow Pavana Kumara
Bala-Budhee Vidya Dehoo Mohee Harahu Kalesha Vikaara


Jai Hanuman gyan gun sagar
Jai Kapis tihun lok ujagar

Ram doot atulit bal dhama
Anjaani-putra Pavan sut nama

Mahabir Bikram Bajrangi
Kumati nivar sumati Ke sangi

Kanchan varan viraj subesa
Kanan Kundal Kunchit Kesha

Hath Vajra Aur Dhuvaje Viraje
Kaandhe moonj janehu sajai

Sankar suvan kesri Nandan
Tej prataap maha jag vandan

Vidyavaan guni ati chatur
Ram kaj karibe ko aatur

Prabu charitra sunibe-ko rasiya
Ram Lakhan Sita man Basiya

Sukshma roop dhari Siyahi dikhava
Vikat roop dhari lank jarava

Bhima roop dhari asur sanghare
Ramachandra ke kaj sanvare

Laye Sanjivan Lakhan Jiyaye
Shri Raghuvir Harashi ur laye

Raghupati Kinhi bahut badai
Tum mam priye Bharat-hi-sam bhai

Sahas badan tumharo yash gaave
Asa-kahi Shripati kanth lagaave

Sankadhik Brahmaadi Muneesa
Narad-Sarad sahit Aheesa

Yam Kuber Digpaal Jahan te
Kavi kovid kahi sake kahan te

Tum upkar Sugreevahin keenha
Ram milaye rajpad deenha

Tumharo mantra Vibheeshan maana
Lankeshwar Bhaye Sub jag jana

Yug sahastra jojan par Bhanu
Leelyo tahi madhur phal janu

Prabhu mudrika meli mukh mahee
Jaladhi langhi gaye achraj nahee

Durgaam kaj jagath ke jete
Sugam anugraha tumhre tete

Ram dwaare tum rakhvare
Hoat na agya binu paisare

Sub sukh lahae tumhari sar na
Tum rakshak kahu ko dar naa

Aapan tej samharo aapai
Teenhon lok hank te kanpai

Bhoot pisaach Nikat nahin aavai
Mahavir jab naam sunavae

Nase rog harae sab peera
Japat nirantar Hanumant beera

Sankat se Hanuman chudavae
Man Karam Vachan dyan jo lavai

Sab par Ram tapasvee raja
Tin ke kaj sakal Tum saja

Aur manorath jo koi lavai
Sohi amit jeevan phal pavai

Charon Yug partap tumhara
Hai persidh jagat ujiyara

Sadhu Sant ke tum Rakhware
Asur nikandan Ram dulhare

Ashta-sidhi nav nidhi ke dhata
As-var deen Janki mata

Ram rasayan tumhare pasa
Sada raho Raghupati ke dasa

Tumhare bhajan Ram ko pavai
Janam-janam ke dukh bisraavai

Anth-kaal Raghuvir pur jayee
Jahan janam Hari-Bakht Kahayee

Aur Devta Chit na dharehi
Hanumanth se hi sarve sukh karehi

Sankat kate-mite sab peera
Jo sumirai Hanumat Balbeera

Jai Jai Jai Hanuman Gosahin
Kripa Karahu Gurudev ki nyahin

Jo sat bar path kare kohi
Chutehi bandhi maha sukh hohi

Jo yah padhe Hanuman Chalisa
Hoye siddhi sakhi Gaureesa

Tulsidas sada hari chera
Keejai Nath Hridaye mein dera


Pavan Tanay Sankat Harana
Mangala Murati Roop
Ram Lakhana Sita Sahita
Hriday Basahu Soor Bhoop